Day Four Rally Table

Today we were introduced to using a Rally Table as a way of finding out about what we knew about NCEA. We were given a yellow paper as students tend to respond better to a coloured sheet rather than the standard white. A heading is placed on the top and the page folded in half, one side for each participant.Initially, we were a bit hesitant but as time elapsed you found your ideas were generated by what you partner had written. As a relief teacher, this could be a very good tool for me to use especially in those classes where the relief is inadequate.Doing more research online about this strategy I found that students can write, draw or work out steps of a problem. It works well for solving maths problems, working one step at a time, constructing a paragraph of a piece of writing or, in science, for identifying steps in a process. Just having the knowledge and actually participating in doing the Rally Table has given me an instant valuable technique should I find myself with spare time on my hands.

Gained a much better understanding of summative compared to formative assessment. For my particular situation as a relief teacher using formative assessment is the only option I have. However, I can still make a difference in a child's development with positive, helpful encouragement with on the spot feedback. In some situations, I will be able to model answers and steps to achieve a satisfactory result.

1a, 1b, 2d, 3a, 4a, 4b, 4c, 5b, 6c, 6d


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