280817 Day 11 KKHS Reflection

Week 6 of this term. It has begun. The stress is kicking in. Full control of my classes. Definitely need a seating plan for my year9 class. There are a number of boys who have work aversion dispositions. Just getting them to be ready with the basic gear can be a challenge. Have worked out a seating plan with my associate which will help with the class management.
Planning can be difficult too, as in a big high school there are always things that are happening which disrupt your schedule. Luckily, I am on the emailing list, having been at the school so long. Hence, I get prior warning through all the notices, a sample of a couple from today are below:
1.Period 5 Year 7 Speech Final
Students are to go to subject classes and leave their leave bags in their locked classrooms. Subject teachers, please accompany your students to the Auditorium. Classes line up outside as per assemblies where the roll slips will be completed and collected by the Dean. Teachers are to sit with their classes during the finals, please.
2. E –asTTle Testing next week
Hi there guys
The SMI computer room is booked for E-asTTle testing during
 Week 7 for year 7’s
In an effort to accommodate your programmes and preferences with this, if you teach these classes and can help by administering a test during any of these times, please get back to me by return email. 
After some investigation, I have confirmed that the E-asTTle testing will not take place during one of my lessons but it could have and it would have just been sprung on me if I wasn’t on the emailing system.
Becoming super saturated with papers and information. Co-construction meeting after school. Junior maths area with the topic of “Realising Maori Student Potential” under consideration. Six questions the main focus:-
1.       Have we made enough difference?
2.       What is happening for our learners?
3.       Where will concentrating our energies make the most difference?
4.       How are WE contributing to the situation?
5.       How, and where, will we learn more about what to do?
6.       What can we do differently to make enough of a difference?
General consensus that regular positive feed back could be a valuable tool.   Something along the lines of a certificate of competence in a specific aspect of mathematical manipulations.

Group decided to set up a One Note with Tabs for :- to do, handouts, focus, target students, teacher voice and student voice.


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