310817 day 14 KKHS section

Attended the year seven level meeting before school. Dean coordinates all her teachers and gives feed back about the form books. Great time to share concerns about any students as the dean can follow up by contacting parents if necessary. Had a student looking very unwell in form time. Sent him to St John centre in the school for assessment.
Worked with a relief teacher as associate teacher absent. Know the teacher well and she was a great help in the classroom. Had to redirect a year nine boy as he failed to settle and get on with his work. He wanted to chat with friends, look at his cell phone, and never sat where I had allocated a place for him. Luckily my relief teacher escorted him to a senior class where he had to work on his own. It is sometimes necessary to asked a student to leave the class. In this case, I had spoken to him three times about sitting down, taking his backpack off and getting prepared to work. He didn’t listen and was a bit defiant when I told him he was out of line and out of the class. He may have thought that as his regular teacher was not in the class he could take more liberties. He was wrong!! My reliever told me that I had missed a PD for relievers during my enforced layoff from the Education Council. She, fortunately, had not and knew where to take my wayward student.  Classroom management is so important. It is rare for me to have to ask a student to leave the class but sometimes it is necessary. Generally, it settles the whole class as long as you handle it calmly and the rest can see that you have been reasonable.


  1. Great reflection. Really like the last line as it is so important to handle situations calmly and in a reasonable way. Sounds like you did a great job teaching today. The students are very lucky to have you.


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