Day 4 KKHS section

The major event of the day was a professional development session for the staff in preparation for a school wide lesson period three on Thursday 24th  on bullying. The A of WAKA stands for Act with Respect and as a part of this all students at KKHS should Expect Respect.  A powerpoint was explained with the primary message that anyone who experiences bullying must ask the bully to STOP by using SWAT. The acronym SWAT is used by the victim. Tell them to STOP , Walk Away, Tell a safe adult. Under such circumstances, the bully should:- STOP, Take a breath, Leave. If they do not there would be serious repercussions. This will be an interactive lesson with a cohort available and other activities to go with the powerpoint. Most students at KKHS feel safe however this is a proactive procedure to make it clear to all students that any disrespectful behaviour( bullying, cyber bullying) will not be tolerated and dealt with in a serious manner.
Being a relief teacher I have noticed some things that would be beneficial to those who will want to get full-time jobs. Primarily making your classroom a warm and welcoming place with lots of thought provoking material on the walls and even the ceiling. Kim teaching maths in MAT10 where I took the photos below.

Otherwise it was a standard day helping students with their work and doing some research on my students I have to profile.


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