Day 8 KKHS section

Staff meeting to begin the day. Prior notice given of visits from Winston Peters(1:15pm 230817), Blair Tuke(ex-pupil at 11:30am 240817) and Jack Royal of the PPTA(1:15pm 240817). Wish lists for 2018 have been distributed for teachers to express their interest in what they want to teach and what year level they would like to have a form class in.
7SAI Pastoral care or form time. Class well organized with dairies and WAKA cards on their desks. Kim efficiently stamped all the cards before reading the daily notices and doing the roll on-line. At 8:50am the year 7 dean, Erica Colins, paid us a visit. She too endorsed the students WAKA cards. You could feel a positive buoyant feeling amongst the whole class. A great way to start the day and to send the students to their first class happy to be at KKHS.
All year 7 form classes are in the English block of classrooms, with 7SAI being in POD 1. As a maths teacher my associate must walk to her maths room meaning her class can often get there before her. She is relaxed and allows them to enter the room. Some teachers always get the class to line up outside. This settles them and gives more control back to the teacher. Today, 9DRB, were not the best which meant Kim had to spend time on managing behaviour. She targeted three particular students, all boys, who, given the chance, do tend to engage in off task behaviour. She reinforced what her expectation were and suggested the class be more responsible for their behaviour. She also made it clear that the three main offenders were quite capable of doing well in maths as long as they put in a conscientious effort. It was a reprimand and a positive encouragement all in one. This reminded me that, as a teacher, it never pays to over react or raise your voice, but to remain calm and treat the students as you would expect to be treated. In the past KKHS operated an ADP(Assertive Discipline Programme) whereby a student’s name was put on the white board followed by ticks for further misdemeanours.  After three ticks the student was then asked to go to the Student Centre. This worked well too as the student was aware they were off task and there were consequences for such behaviour.
With her teaching Kim often goes over methods of dealing with any problems that the students may face in the days exercises. She does so directly from the text using a small portable white board at the front with the class clustered around her. This is a good technique as the students give their full attention to what is being said and they have nothing to fiddle with!! In the past I have been more formal, making notes on the large white board, which the students copy before starting their exercises. Kim gives her instructions, demonstrates how to solve problems, before letting the students go to their desks to do their exercises. This is very efficient and a method I can use in relief teaching.
Again had a reliever with 9TAN. She was well organized and kept good control. We both helped the class with their work.
7SAI maths. Kim allocated a place to sit as students filed in. Often teachers have a set seating plan. However, Kim knows her class so well, she can position students like this to get the best out of them and avoid personality clashes. As a relief teacher I would have to follow the set seating plan.

As I walk around the school I am frequently given a friendly greeting by many of the students I have taught in the past. This reminds me as to the reason I am going through the TER process. I get such satisfaction from helping young people from my community. Being a relief teacher is a privilege that I hope I can continue to do for a few more years at least.


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