Day 9 KKHS section

Year 7 level meeting with the dean, Erica Colins Pastoral matters concerning year 7 discussed. Major topic was what to write in the form book. This is carried around by the class representative to each of their classes and a record is kept as to the STARS of the class/ overall behaviour/ any problems. At the end of each day the form book is handed in to the Student Centre and the dean goes through them and gives each class points. However, some form books go AWOL(are not handed in) and the dean felt that she preferred teachers to direct any negative comments/ names of off task students to be brought to her attention directly in an email. In the past, the form book has been a good source of information for me as a relief teacher because I can see who to watch out for. With this new directive, I will only be able to see who the STARS are and overall behaviour of the class. Any problems with classes can also be reported to the dean after the class, verbally, or in a written report if the relief teacher has no access to the computer network. I have my own sign-on as I have been at KKHS longer than most full-time teachers.
Technology!! It’s good when it works but a mystery when it doesn’t. Tried to log on to the TER moodle at school on my lap top but was blocked from getting to it(see photo of screen message). Luckily, an IT ninja teacher, Bridgit, was in the staff room and was able to sort the problem out for me. Without her I would have been lost!!
Whole school did the EXPECT RESPECT WAKA lesson in period three. Through a power point, a video and a Kahoot game of 13 questions the students were told that any form of bullying (physical/emotion/cyber) would not be tolerated at KKHS. They were told to use SWAT( Say STOP firmly, WALK AWAY, Tell a responsible adult) if they were ever in such a situation. Great to co-ordinate such a lesson throughout the school and make it clear to one and all that bullying would be dealt with very seriously.
Caught up with the co-ordinator of our Te Kotahitanga programme, Russell Mc Cabe, and he gave me the notes from Dawn Lawrence’s talk, and other resources that I can use for my TER course. He also told me that for making observation he does a “Running record”. He observes what is happening in the classroom over asset period. Basically, what I have been doing. He felt that there were no good templates whereby you ticked various boxes.

Met Winston Peters. Expressed my concern at the waste of highly experienced relief teachers as the Educational Council stopped them from working unless they paid $4,000 and did a TER course. He was sympathetic and told me to contact Tracey Martin for the NZ FIRST policy on this matter.


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