Te Pouomanako, the hub of KHS, where I have worked the last 20 years, is going to get a face lift. The marae, the cultural centre of the school, will get all new carved panels to replace the current ones, erected in 1988, that are showing major signs of decay. One of the original carvers, Lani Apiata, will be in charge of getting it done, with installation due in early 2018, ready for the new academic year. I, the crazywhitler(my blogger name), will be there too!!
“Cohort” of yesterday, was, in fact, Kahoot! I felt that I had heard the word sound a bit strange and today I realized it was. Met with overall enthusiasm by all teachers who have used this tool in their classrooms. The students embrace it and you can play it in groups if there are individuals who don’t have a cell phone. The teacher, who is the controller, must have a lap top. They filter out any inappropriate team/individual names and the game is on. If I was running one I might give a limitation on the selection of a playing name.  Such as an insect, a flower, a maori name etc. When I mentioned to Kim that I had just discovered Kahoot she obliged by running three games with 7SAI. We went through Brand Names/ Percentages/Modern Music. Excellent tool that inspires the students and gives instant gratification. And it uses that much maligned cell phone that the majority carry!

Enrolled for the mid-winter hui next Monday after school. Guest speaker will be Dawn Lawrence and she will be leading an interactive session discussing the deeper meaning of AKO in our educational setting.


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