40917 Day 16 KKHS section

My main priority while on section at KKHS is to try and keep the students on track with their learning. Consequently, I have put all my energies into doing just this. In response the students have shown great respect and appreciation of my stewardship.
Abley assisted by another relief teacher today as my associate was away. Form class won the year seven’s most decorative form book cover (see photo). They all received a chocolate frog from their dean.
Main classroom that I work in is Math10. It’s one of the older buildings but it has won the classroom of the year last year!! Whenever you take the class away from it’s scheduled room you must leave a note on the door with the information of where the group can be found. I have a laminated sign especially for this situation.
Now on auto pilot as I get used to the routine of having the same classes day after day.
Attended another co-construction meeting for junior maths teachers after school.  Tikanga (rules of engagement) was written on a small board with an agenda. On another, larger board, was a flow diagram of how the objective of raising the achievement of Maori students was to be approached. The critical reflection was summarized in the words “reflect, review, react”.

Kerikeri High School has excellent results for our Maori students. Retention to 17 years of age is 84%(national average is 70.9%). Maori boys and girls are all above the national statistics for leaving school with NCEA level two, or above. Still they strive to do even better and the old Te Kotahitanga group has morphed into the current guiding facilitators. We worked with Renae tonight.


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