facetoface2 day 2
Learning Progression Framework explained and I registered for the online training using https://lpt.education.govt.nz/Live/homeaspx . Selected Mathematics as that is the area that I did my section on. Began the exercises but will have to continue at a later date.
Current Innovations saw us in groups where I worked with Elsie. We had Flipped Classrooms as our topic. Success criteria were to a) explain the concept, b) give 1 – 2 ideas and c) provide implications on teaching. This concept came out of an American teacher coaching of a baseball team. He took videos of the members and gave them the videos to study at home. This helped the team which made him think it could work at his school. He adapted the idea with an eight-step strategy for anyone who wished to use the system. 1. Buy in, 2. Curate resources, 3. Classroom management, 4. Technology training for both teachers and their students, 5. Assign content for homework, 6. Students work in class, 7. Independent learning and 8. Peer tutoring. Implications on teaching are that the students work at home thereby increasing the amount of study they do, the teacher is freed from the board and can spend more time circulating amongst the students and peer tutoring is encouraged whereby students help students. This is all reliant on all students having a device they can use at home. From my recent experience at Kerikeri High School I know that this is not always a reality, however, things are changing fast, devices are getting cheaper and more powerful, and it may not be long before schools can provide a device for any student who lacks one.
Was very interested in the group presentation on Neuroscience where it was stated that the brain could be considered as plastic, through which there were pathways that when used a lot became a memory and that rewards were most applicable for teenagers.
Interesting day with a lot of teamwork
and interactions.
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