facetoface2 day 3
ELL’s (English Language Learners) require specific strategizes to advance a student’s learning. One such strategy is Scaffolding(photo 1), which is a temporary aid that is removed once the learning has taken place just as scaffolding is taken away from a building. In practical terms, this is a great tool as the teacher can produce detailed scaffolding for the slowest in their group and then progressively remove parts of the aid as the learner’s comprehension increases. Producing a different sheet for each area. Colour coding the different levels of scaffolding can also be used. The darker the base colour the less scaffolding is given. We had three different levels in the example we examined
Looked at ESOL online.(photo 2) Introduced to a great technique known as “Dictogloss”. This tool which involves individual work followed by co-operative work and is based on good listening skills. I can take this back to my school for use in many classes.
ELLP(English Language Learning Progressions) were examined. Found that a teacher must: - identify the target students; support the primary language; amplify and not to simplify; slow speech down. Resources of information can be found in the four ELLP booklets or online particularly through the TKI site. Many strategies that can be used: - Dictogloss, Scaffolding, mind Maps, Barrier Activity, Bus Stop. Given a graphic example of how a “Cloze Test” can be unhelpful. Making Language and Learning Work has many very good videos that are inspirational for the classroom teacher. (photo 3) and can be accessed very easily.
Afternoon session looked at Pacifica Education Plan 2013- 2017. The goal of this is to ensure that Pacifica students are participating, engaging and achieving in education and feeling secure in their activities, languages and cultures. One very good idea to come out of the session was for schools to produce newsletters in the main languages of their student families. This makes sure the parents get all the information of what is happening at school. Relevance and expectation must be set to cater for these students. One example was the formation a “Poly Club” for indigenous dance. Students could get NCEA credits for achievement in this discipline. Oral engagement is more inclusive for such students.
Mix and match activity is a good literacy tool which we used for looking at Pacifica schooling(Goals, targets and actions). Phrases were cut out from a page and we had to reassemble them in the correct order. Lead to a lot of discussion. Once completed the original as handed out for comparison.
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